It’s a question often asked by Heads, SENCOs, SBMs and other involved in planning SEND support at whole school, strategic level.
Often people know there are laws out there but the volume can feel overwhelming. Add to that the pressures of our jobs and the amount we are trying to fit into one day and it’s just one of those jobs that never makes it to the top of the to-do list. This is despite the fact that knowing a few key laws can make a huge difference to your funding levels, the support you can therefore implement and importantly, reduce your workload too. Time spent finding out about the law will pay off again and again as you can use your knowledge to back up decision making, show rationale for changes and support you in challenging the LA.
The key pieces of legislation relevant to SEND (in no particular order) are:
Children and Families Act (CAFA 2014)
SEND Regulations (SEND Regs 2014)
Now if you have just opened any one of those links, you will see a huge list of sections and headings. They are all printed black on white (they are not designed to be aesthetically pleasing) and probably do not entice you to read more…
This is where I can help!
I am running a brand new, live webinar covering SEND Law and Funding.
Friday 21st March, 09.30-11.30
2 hours of CPD (I am a verified CPD provider)
3 key themes (EHCNAs, EHCPs and EOTAS)
4 resources included e.g. fully editable template letters to save you even more time
Book your place now for just £27
I have held multiple roles in my career where using these laws was critical in ensuring that pupils and schools got not just what they needed but what they were entitled to. I have successfully applied and gained included increased funding, EHCPs in place where they were not before and education packages tailored to suit complex, individual needs such as SEMH and attendance difficulties. I now work nationally supporting schools and families to write effective (and legally compliant) applications and where necessary, challenge unlawful decisions made by LAs.
I know what works and how to break this down into clear, actionable steps for you and your school.