EHCP support


Catchy Product

EHCPs - Needs Assessment application advice and application support

Challenging LA decisions; submitting appeals and using the law to help you

Funding for your child's EHCP provision and accessing specialist education

Online meetings arranged at times to suit you

Clear, impartial advice
Template letters, letter writing and application proof reading available

SEND and your child

If your child has SEND, they are likely to need additional support at school. This can vary from low level strategies which are built into their everyday teaching right through to needs which are complex and are best met in a specialist setting.

You may feel that your child needs an EHCP and would like an assessment but are not sure how to go about this process. You may have started this process and need to appeal a Local Authority (LA) decision.

I have been a SENCO (twice) and also worked in both the mainstream and specialist sector for over 20 years. I am a strong advocate of using the law (which overrides LA policy) to support families and schools in getting the best for young people.

I know that SEND processes can feel overwhelming, especially when it is something that as a parent you will probably only go through once and therefore have no experience of. I have supported many families through the EHCP process and am known for providing clear advice and giving "straight up" answers to any questions you may have.

EHCP Packages  

30 minute online connection call
Complimentary, no charge
1 hour = £60
3 hours = £165

6 hours = £300

EHCP Needs Assessments
Making a Request Package = £150
🦉1:1 online meeting (30 minutes) to discuss your child's needs
🦉Prepare a legally compliant application letter to submit to your LA
🦉1:1 online meeting (30 minutes) reviewing letter and planning next steps

EHCP Needs Assessments
Refusal to Assess Package = £150 🦉1:1 online meeting (1 hour) to complete appeal form when your LA have refused to assess your child 🦉Prepare a legal test summary document in support of your appeal

EHCP Support

One hour for each these: 🦉proof read / provide feedback on EHCP Needs Assessment requests 🦉write response to LA challenging their decision 🦉1:1 online meeting to complete complaint to LA Monitoring Officer 🦉1:1 online meeting to do Ombudsman referrals Three hour bookings for each of these: 🦉Attending mediation in person including travel and preparation time (Beds / Luton / MK).
Please contact me if you live elsewhere to discuss travel costs.
🦉EHCP drafts - checking and amending re legal compliance and specificity, costing of provision following Needs Assessment

This package can also be used for EHCPs about to be reviewed as part of the "annual review" process (and in the case of interim reviews)