INSET days


Catchy Product

SEND and Inclusion CPD for all age ranges and settings

Developed on a "this works" principle: practical and realistic advice

Informed and underpinned by psychology and neuroscience

Half day, full day and twilights
Clear, up to date advice with opportunities to reflect, interact and apply knowledge
Editable resources and slides provided

Certificated training - CPD approved provider

Whole school SEND

Schools are places of learning and I feel really strongly that this is just as true for staff as it is for students.

It is well documented that Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs are increasing rapidly. It is an area where schools often want to help however constraints on resources can feel limiting. Additionally, the impact of trauma and pupil behaviour can present challenges to their engagement with what you are doing to try and support them. I have worked in an SEND school, mainstream (two phases) and most recently as Assistant Head in an SEMH Alternative Provision. I know what works in a range of environments and how to tailor what you have got to improve outcomes for your pupils and link practical examples to psychology and neuroscience. I know that staff want training that provides practical strategies that they can take away and implement in their classrooms and also to understand WHY it works.

Session Menu - one per hour

Connect before you Correct: Behaviour and Consequences
The how and why behind building relationships and making consequences meaningful. Practical strategies to enhance pupil behaviour and outcomes

They told me to "f*** off"
Responding rather than reacting to behaviour which challenges e.g. defiance
Neuroscience behind behaviour, scripted responses and supporting change

Co-regulation techniques: Trust Me
Starting with our own self-awareness and psychology then using this to understand how we can build trust to best support those with SEMH needs.

Trauma Informed Approaches and
Relational Practice
The psychology of trauma and how it impacts behaviour. Re-framing behaviour "choices" and promoting executive function for positive change

PACE in the classroom
How often do we build play, exploration and discovery into lessons? What about increasing accountability through acceptance, curiosity and empathy?

Neuro-spicy classroom environments
Sensory input is everywhere and seems to keep on increasing. Small, no/low cost changes make a huge difference to the ability to regulate emotions
Executive Functioning - What actually is this?
Many pupils will have reports stating that they have difficulty with executive functioning. Most people do not know what it means and may not feel able to ask. This session will develop your knowledge and give you practical strategies to use.